terriers and hounds love training
clicker and treats.
beagle puppy practices his sit-stay .

can teach
a bloodhound
to leave a hotdog
alone with totally reward-based training.
Dog Training
your dog with gentle but effective methods!
Wendy teaches dog obedience
classes in a variety of locations. She also
does private sessions at her training facility or
your home. Group classes are
$55 for a six-week session.
Click here for locations and starting
dates. |
Puppies Only Class: (3-6
Location - Wendy's training facility, west Hemet,
Basic obedience and puppy problem-solving.
The indoor/outdoor facility has fenced areas for
obedience and playtime socialization. Puppy-style
agility obstacles add a fun way to proof their
new obedience skills of Sit, Down, Stay, Come,
Walking on loose leash, Heel, Attention to
handler, and more.
Juvenile Delinquent Class
This is basic obedience for overgrown puppies to
adults, held at Wendy's training facility. It is
Saturday mornings to handle the overflow from the
popular Puppy Class. It welcomes puppies too old
for Puppy Class (plus adults) and thus the
humorous name. Sit, Down, Stay, Come when called
from a distance, Attention to handler, Loose
leash walking, Heel, and Leave it, plus more are
covered. They proof their new skills while
sampling a little agility too!
Basic Obedience Class
Adult classes cover Sit, Down, Stay, Come
when called from a distance, Attention to
handler, Walking on loose leash, Heel and more.
Dogs wear a buckle collar or head halter if they
are a challenge to control. You will learn to set
the dog up to succeed so you can reward him for
his good choices.
Agility Class
Train in agility for competition or fun at
Wendy's fully fenced and lighted training
facility in west Hemet. Classes are on-going.
Join any time. Morning and evening classes,
beginners through competition level. Call to
discuss which classes are available at your dog's
level. If your dog is able, but you are not,
Wendy is happy to do the running for you and even
competes with other owner's dogs.
Canine Good Citizen Class
Designed to prepare you and your dog to pass
the AKC's Canine Good Citizen test. Wendy is an
evaluator for the AKC's program and will test
students past or present when you are ready, free
of charge .
Therapy Dog Class
This works on passing the Canine Good
Citizen test and also adds working around
distractions as you would find visiting
rest homes, schools and hospitals. Hemet
has a great need for Therapy Dogs and
Wendy volunteers her time for testing
those who are working to be certified
with Love on a Leash.
Photo, on right,
shows Buddy, a Therapy Dog, receiving a
surprise bear hug and he looks to his
handler for instructions. These dogs must
be "bombproof" so they can be
reliable in any situation. |

Service Dog Class
If you are a person with a disability the
Americans with Disability Act gives you the right
to train your pet to be your service dog. These
dogs must live up to a very high standard. Work
towards passing the Canine Good Citizen test and
learn special skills to mitigate your disability.
Once their obedience is solid and they focus only
on you, going as a group into public access
situations helps your dog become a confident
Service Dog accompanying you in stores and
Rally Training Class
This is the new fun obedience sport, good for
preparation to high levels of off leash obedience
competition or simply to improve your partnership
in obedience training.
All classes are 6 weeks long and $55.
Follow this link to locations and
starting dates
Call Wendy at (951) 926-2277 to sign up for